Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise from Bartlesville, Oklahoma (2024)

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Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprisei

Bartlesville, Oklahoma

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Wirt" i Examiner-Enterprise Thursday April 23 1959 61 Years of Community Service Page 18 A LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE and 11 ptnuxw claiming thrajfb or un-claiming fty dr ftn of you from Mir STATE OF OKLAHOMA In the Matter of the Determination tf the Pact of Death of lanuan probate No r-U NOTTCT OF HFARTNO PKirHON DFTBHMTVF FAtn" OF DfATH OF Gas Service Income Up Record Sef known heirs eieculort administrator devurc trustees and lm raedl-i at sad remote of A Yeomen right title ceeied be required to show wdm right Mid real property and ech aod every tttio or totert tf any diet thee now m1 Urev4 have in and to said real property ad- to and poaAewilon lntereit or evtale ta or to rery tfeera ta MsantUfs' tdei of said real estate Facts On Farming jrlvr ttvant IANXAV AND TrRMIVAnoW OF JOINT 1NAS- IPS THK STATI OF OKLAHOMA TO 1it ftiri lrUri nj t- Ifn of 1 Lonn na 1 1 promi fim ony or lnrt to or to Ui rl Iirrmf'rr drrlt)d TAKIT NOT1CTC Uit Btu'jUt Utfll In-nn I 'd In Ur tony iUlld C'-r nd eU' lirr pnitlon for on Ordrr And Orrri th Frt Dftli th Joint Trnnt Lonnon nl Ui Trrminttno of thr Joint T-nnr In th fuLoo of dwrihrd ml it'o tLd la W'h'ntoo Countj 8tt of Oklonamo to oil Lot 1IZ1 tn Blo-k THirtit of Prkrlr Addtui to Bitlfl ihovn bf Ui rrcordd plot tlir roof luA 113' In otk TfSt Ai In Forkrlow AiklitVod to BnjMU'r verae to tae right UUo and miriest of and adjudging plaintiffs to be the rail Plata tuts tit at they be adjudged to ia! and owner of aakl reai have no right title Inierest or estate Mtate and grating all otar relief of therein and Unt the tlC tf PlataUfI in whUh piarUi'ft may be enttiUd under and to id real prpprrty be quitted plaintiff a Pell loo ta said case against the heir eiecutore Mmtmi-j Dated Ru 2lt day tf a rt tratar device trustee and toUtrna liUGALi RobV Lee Immediate and remote of A clerk man Oereaed and ta Defendant and HOLLIMAN BREWER WORTEN each of them be erpetueUy barred and Attorneys lor piaiutiffa enjoined from retting up or aaaerung any right tide or intereat ta said real property fPubilebed la the riamlner-Bnlerpi-M That is aid Defendant and each of AnrU 23 Jq and May 7 them answer the petition filed by 1 Vie Plamti'f on or before the ftth day NOTICE OF SALE of June or saxd petition wt 1 be NO taken a true i'kd judgment rendered! Notice rtveo lhat 00 the WUi day adjudging and decreeing Zetta Yeo- of May at 10 00 0 clock A man and Oenneua Vanaanl to be the tt ti1 door of the bcnia owner nf eaid real property and enuUed HarLesvllie Waahmg ton to the poaeesalon thereof and that uie lahoma the under gned rtheriff 0 Mid Defendants have no right tite or inter CourUy till offer for sse and sell for est tneretn and quiet ng the lit of cash at publ'r auct'on to the hfhi-'i Ute Plaintiff againU adverse claims ad bidder with appraisem*nt au of said defendant that certain reai estate nd SI tAtfunftoa With child in facedown head -down position pat back to dislodge any object in air passage Mar rust will soon be releasing its orange colored slimy spore Iroaring gelatinous matoruil on infected mwrfrers of ttie Red Cedar group of Jumpers If1 inspection of die host plants show horn-like protrusions on the woody palls or orangy lesions of new in--ctons on the twigs gd busy with the sprayer Ferbam or bordeaux mixture or cooper sprays help keep the dcase in chock Insects b'rds splashng rain and other funilar Victors spread the disease spores to alternate hosts such as spp pear crab apples rethorn hawthorn and others The Infection shows up as leaf and fruit rust In mid-growing season Clear mouth 6f any foreign matter with finger and press tongue forward KAXSlWtITY Mo (SpwiuP £-Hie Gas Service Company which produces the bulk of its earnings in the first three months of the year told stockholders at the annual meeting that record profits were esfaLhshed in the first quarter which wall "provide a cushion for the balance of the year Power president saul that with normal weather conditions for the balance of the year 1959 will show an improvement in earnings and revenues over 1958 Revenues for the quarter reflected the horny billings from gas consumption in the months of December January and Feb ruary The average temperature the tiiree months was almost 7 per cent lower than a year before In addition the company served 15500 more customers Gross operating revenues for tine 31 three months ended March William Holt Oklhom*o 1 ond nllrr'nf tbol raid potlUneof Bruoh Crtvm u-idrr Huid And Seal thlo County OAlahom W-ll Mart Lanuan 2fud aai of ADrU 10511 It- Tl'lrtp To Thlrty-Uiraa niral oatata and ttiat tha tint tTOrrto itobt I Tlilrtr four (Mr and Thlrty-FI ''l'aa -lad In br-r a Uir iurnror A court Cart of WM'tinriool Block Irtt '10 P'amvlao Addition toiurh Joint Unanclaa UiAt tha Court hac County Oklahoma tha Cup of RarLaaoilla WahmfX' antarad ao ordar In thi caaa fliln th Holliman Brawar Wortan' County Okafioma daa and hour for h'rtn Atlopir lor Plaintiff aublact taiaa and aalaa 'and you and aaoh rd pou rJ''rhr Aa ial ba trad puruant to an holifttd lliat aad natlUoo I aat for naar- i ordar af aa'a iwuad upon )udf amantj in In Uia County Cmurtroom In Uia iPubUafiad In th Eiamlnar-Fnlarprlao 0rj rC'trirt Court of Waoh-1 CotnWy Oourthoua In Bartlayllla Wa-n- AprU 23 and 10 and MayT i mrui County Oklahoma In Caaa No tnyton County Oklahoma oat th MMt anarain Hrbara Nao plam- dir of April 1S at tha hour of 10 0U If and T3ia Flrat Fadaral Barlnf and orlmt AM Amo titlon of Yjf'eyviie Coffet OlVPN MY HAND AND SEAL Kansas are defendant to eaUe- this day of Aprli 10 Place your mouth over child's mouth and nose breathing into its lungs with steady action until Iou we chest rise Now old free hand with moderate -pressure on child's obdomen between navel and ribs to prevent air from filling stomach CLARLSSA WILLIAMS LETlA BRY ff Rtm I Oourt Clark Placing child on bock use middle fingers of both hands to lift lower jaw beneath and behind so that it out" Hold jaw in this position to keep open ginroy It green bean planting time Jo AwfirHoH Top Crop Contender and Wade WUIUtU are those temier fiberfree high-'QpUliQUI elding dsease-rosistant varieties that everybody is raving about I N0RMr (Special) William They are wonderful Seminole ar'i'owarJ Holt University of Okla- Cherokee are some new varieties (ma junior from Bartle has were $32198810 up from $29481-that are doing well been named winner of a $800 scho- 109 a year earlier Net income larship given by Cities Service Oil was 4254952 equal to $2 82 a 0 Use plenty of commercial fcrtli-omPnry or Hie lttfi-80 school common share compared with $3-ler to givfl vegetables a quick send- year- He was seeded by the cn- 493671 or $2 33 a share a year off in early spring One quart per fttreenng scholarship committee before 300 feet of row is considered a headed by 15 Dawson school por he twelve months ended minimum application Two table- mechanical engineering chair- March 31 the gas distributor ro'l- judgemeet tavnr of the paio I ANT PEARL MENBCH JOHN MEN Mf B4rbifm NeM um tf One I BEARD 8 WEST xhoiand ITtree Hundred Seventv Fte ifteaD WHHMaMY HOWARD A 1 3T 00 Dnltart Interest thereon 1 Hyvimsn Brewer A Wnrtwi BENTON DOIXJE JOH-N MANTER- A pr Cent fmm March I IMS Altaroeys for Petitioner a a nna mi i tiai an tilt I SL Cifll untll ptJd aad atuirnay fa amount of O-ia Hundrad Th ROCKWELL ARVOiro lira OTIS COOK and OTIi rxnC and ARNOLD I flt'HTUER Truataaa If Uui or 1 dad than uia hair axacuUrr admlmLraJor da Thrtr-ftafao and SdlM '1131 SO) DoUart and coat AFRII 'S -JO May and a JU'Umaht in lavor of IM -at iFuhltWiad In 0t Framlnaf yida-prlaa Fadaral Baln and loan Aaoaiatfoo April il and Jn and Ma 3 ia- 'f qoffaraX Cof'ayv lla Kama tr INTHF fWlfp'JNJCWT IN ANP FOR OTIfVViL TTT i it IV kitsai in a I I vlaa tmatac and aMKrn Imniad ala um' gu on Hundrad Tan- WASHINGTON Cryt'NTV BTATK OF lungs am inflated remove yoar lips and allow lungs to amply Repeat at rate of about 20 cycles per minute If you feel resistance to your breathing and child's chest does not risa repeat step 2 and resume moutb-to-mouth breathing OKISHfWdA and ramota known and unknown Doda-a with unh daaaad pruo or paraim arid gi and on Bpoonfuls per hiU when transplanting tomatoes will be helpful alf llaiil th Mattar of tha lutata No-1 tha halm ciutnr adminotratm dr- cen (rom KUbr No IllS ylv-aa triutaaa and aailun Immtdlat rmbar IS 1S and at Tn i lot par and ranurtf known and unknown lnm s0fmbr um 1 1 JTWM CTDVOR JOHNSON and th am iw) btrarUn In tha amount MTRTI IFF loHMkrt RICHARD BRYANT in BRYANT dacaatd and and an ato--1 KOTKT OF HKAHBO FTTmO JOHN BRYANT daed aaunt ot ITT Hundrad I FWUt CVDNOW 40HMRN and TAKE NOTICE Oit you hAvr bran ftd l1( noi 1 MTRTTJt ITT JOHNSON and tl air auad in Caa No M1H In tha Diatrtrt co4U nd fjrthrr Mdja-'hr'ra nrt a I km cradivori and aU pai- mawt a'id d'fri ot 1 r- of tra a-y lntrraatad man- led up rev emu's of Holt son Of Mrs Vashti Holt against $67663970 a year previous 529 Chickasaw Bartlesville Is a Net income was $4208849 equal It Is getting close to time for' petroleum engineering student He to $2 80 a common share against spring broiler shows 4- members is a graduate of College-High $3708302 or $2 47 a share with poultry projests will want to School in Bartlesville and has a The rise in the number of mo-make a careful Solectron of birds 3 84 grade average based on the ter connections in the last twehe they will show j4 0 (straight A) grading system months was partly due to the ac- Scveral points are important in Holt was nee president of Phi quisition of the Excelsion Springs selecting broilers to cvhbit at the Kta Sigma freshman scholarship 'Missouri distribution system No dressed broiler show Size and urn-j organization and is a member of new acquisitions are contemplated formity are primary requirements Pi Epsilon Tau honorary petroleum this time and the extent of die lalwtna byE KINO and FI OR A rura ad dabt You art hatabT ntAllMl that TTIWA Tklt ainiili taa i at tha W-u au a m1 ad -i aa Fa al A A ha far TaWara Ad engineenng organization He also growth this jear will be is affiliated with Phi Gamma Del-'determined by the rate of new ta social fraternity the Petroleum home construction the senee Of course you will want to show your bop qualrty birds Oioose broilers wTli a live on f- nrr abota ban RENFHO apphad Wm1 mr hand thl Ekid day i min to bt -an tad na tr Eitata Anri la fd I FArtS CTONOR JOHNSON and rnad Marman Mmi M7PT1 JOHNSON It bm a Sharlfl Asuncion County Ok ahnma MW1 B' bMn ron' tmio ausnl jwrmi tf mo lvao kvi yaarv (rum iPublit'4 ta tb Ettmtaar fteurrxrt Ter ja tfiai aU3 pKitinn ai i 10 and 27 hoard at a riar ini tf Couctr tN THE roUNTY rOUBT IH AND FOR of Dour? Hut AHi'htro1 rot' N'T tOYorria on th IMh da? tf May 104 STATF OF OKIAHOMA it jo UJ onxi AM whan arfcl whr IN THE MATTTK OF THE tJSTATT perioni mav apf and tf No Ai71 i ft) itif iUt tahv tlrr 4 1 Jiri 1060 or aald paution he uio AUOT ATA KIN! FT i WTrNLAfl MY HAND and Mi tf aaii1 a tnw and judgment rndrad (or NOTICE OF SAT OF REAL EfTTATE pojvt miuta alflaad tala 2lat day tf tiplamuff quiUlna Lhnr UUr and ir 1 NOltt'F tS MFHEHY IHVFN ApVTl 103 you and rath tf your from awrttaf ta purauanca an Ordar erf weight of throe to tiroe end a half I Engineers Club and the League oParw Greater use of gas stimulat- Young Democrats ed by an aggressive merchands- He has earned half of his college' program including outdoor gas expensed working during the sum-jhg'Hmg liouid help boost men-mers for petroleum firms and dur-ues Power said ing the school year at Norman' The Gas Service con-Ccshmg length of breast and skrn' business cstabbshments He strmuon budget for 199 was plac-color intramural basketball and football ei at 5 null am dollars INiwcr said You miglit like to dress out some and is an honor resident of Cross no permanent financing will be extra birds to have a good selec- Center OU housing unit i required to carry out tiro program tion when you choose the broilers jxi will show (Bank loans outstaming March 31 sawrdu4 solidly between the rows totaled Pi million dollars le or inUreat in al vo a tT Court 'n arid for Wjhinatfo property all am prayed for ta ta ptaint- Suita tf Ok ahoma mad cn th 27ta isab'i iUf petoOt rtT tf March 10M Ue matter tf Wibioa my hand and tffldai aeai thl ta tatf tf ACOUSTA MlEIMXY rnFTri Slat day tf Apru Ite deceased ANTA SUE THOM AS admin- PibLhed Tfl th ExamtaeT Enterprlre Rohl Iea IvlrwtrTi tf ta a Uie of ud deeednt April ard 21 Court Cleri L1 tl at prval nr lu the etl IN THE COUNTY COURT TN AND FOR imM bidder for ch aub'ert to coohrma-i ASHINOTON COUNTY lUrhard Ham tf tad Cart oo U-t "TATE OK OKLAHOMA fllrnard a Ham dlT Arl j0 I th Maer tf thw DNU ocork AM at tfi CotaUV Court Hu -tf 1a RaNitafViQ Cuintv Ot ahoma ad ETHFI FRIMM deceased and plants in the vegetable garden i Directors liaie toted the uual Gardners have found tfiat a strip TTiis mulching material wall: I quarterly dividend of $1 con's a of sawdust aliout four inches wide Conserve nwisture supply keep share pajablc June 10 to holders and one-half inch deep placed over weeds and grass growth down of record May 15 Mr Henry tiro row at planting time will: jtlrorotoy eliminating the need for Dean secretary of tiro company Prevent Uie soil from caking over culbvatkn keep fruits clean re- was elected to the board of direc- (Pub Itard ta th Fnirln rnMrprta ut and mt'l L-at the dNOTirTf OF AA! OF RTA! fTAIT Apnl 23 ftnd 30 ftnd Ma 7 1050 latitat has by oparattoti tf law Botjc he-aot ar tu BMAI FTUL i yrxa a in and 6 1 a to nanr tf an ordar tf ta a Count Coir THT RrATF OF KIIttMA To datcrlbd raal alLiatad in Waab- tf fja County tf Wftafktori ur OKrLM HGIj- tnfon rtnin Oa aham twn 'oklaJu)fna on ta 7Ul day tf DP3LMAN MORE CART2t and OMA TK EaAT HAI OF TH 1M Ih Ur a-Uar tf aatata CARTbU riF -t A St NORTH 75 FF'rT OP IOT ONF tf KTHM PKLMM dcftaftd ta Jl-CARTFH PFXKIY CARTP'H JOHN BLOCK FIFTY FIGHT tf ft daM'gnad ta admiWiraur tf taa MV slJ-JOt HIGH HHANHsN ral toftfl tf BaftirsVlU Oiah I LaU tf tftd dacft4 will ail al po Rru SA WYFJt omokos ma tt ft to ta hfvfA bWiilrr ftf i aah duce fruit rot problems keep sou (yS cooler and incTease the yield of inch layer of sawdust AlPha Chi SigiDO the young seedbngs thereby nuking it possible to secure better stand of plants Conserve the moisture supply I- lr Slates Meet Here tend to keep weeds and grass und eadi fa tfl uc Dus practice Is espmully worth- in soils CELLAR SHELTER Practicing what ha preaches Civil Defense Director Leo A Hoegh has built this cellar shelter to protect against fallout Stocked with food water first-aid kit blankets and other essentials it is being vLsited by hu daughter Janice 10 left his wile Mary Louise and Susan Dorcn 10 a neighbor Collegiate and professional chap- while on lighter nrublwn 'soils RanVn Since spcunn or-ter members of Alpha CM Sigma Ahfsit three weeks after the fianic ls a difficult proiilem professional chemistry fraternity young seedlings have become es)thUse the nulcbjr'" meet In Bartlesville on April SlSicd TrmmiatS matt(r''ls OTV according to Motrorly trarorolar tins tune trot one Inch of sur way Rettin2 m3xl president of the Bartlesville tranpplantmg unc put one Inch rnurn benefit from the mulchingiter Cbllegiate nromtrors are ex- materials Garden soils handled m'rocted from Arkansas Oklahoma the dcscnlrod manner have actual-j and Kansas Universities and pro- FAUIJCNKH ftiKl 1XNNIE FAUIJLNEH urKr fulloft Af Urmi ftnd curulitloca ttib)cl to tonfir matao tf ad If Mvlnc dftd Uura ta brlr i CASH Uoort on or ol tr ta ta car tf Ma) feutors admmutrftwmi demote inite Bld)I muit 1o wrIln And nay5S at 10 00 clock A at Bar-r ftttd ftattfiia lrrvmdlat and rorntfo ift at ta tfflr tf RICHARD jLH in laid County tf WaafUrgion known trutton tf uh dread HARR'S A omf or 4vrd tOtaU ta rlfh ttlj tmrt and Ut perwifa nr prva and ta heir 1- th ftdmintftratrJ Rronaiy of myitf ta Mid FTHJCIr FIUMAI dad utori admlikltraUrff dei tru't ltd in th off' tf ta Judy tf at ta Urn tf hr dLh and 3 g't i ftfxl Jm fvliai and rrmot Cuinty Court at Watfunftan Cwirty til and lrurai taat Wu aatd at knowu and unknown tf JiaK CAR Q0lt Hojs i rikah'mi baa by opraUan tf Uiw or ottr wia TWt df Dated tala 0th day tf AFrtl 1FA acquired in and to th foikwinc AJLK TWE ttiat you hat bn Aulla Hu Troaia eribad faftl yroriy wluatad la Hath ul in Cto No 170M in ta Datrlct AdmlnUtaatr I in too CuuuVy Ok anrmft to Crwrt and fryr Watfi'rtor fom i ot Twroty-flv Block or ill I Bfal tf Okajtaoma bf JOHN ww Fart O-mv Additum to ta Ot tf Tomso and UKA(E TrPPlMI ln H1 Waahuifton Couoly Ota- plalnulf to qu rt ther UU and bom their -amee ATMl ann inr-j rorTTO A 11 In ua To bbxk Sran (T 0 1- at and rmcH cnvrin th f(Nuiw 8TA ')f OKi AHOMA TO ky AldUin th City tf Ban 1 dicnil ral tia'd ri Wi6- miLUI A HA byajjvuti County Ok ahoma Trjll' SoniLS Inr Charles Hlgbee ln'oi Onjnty Ok anom V)-ri Ti bl! lxt Fly bntk Four 0t Ror -THE s'PurtAar -aRiki ti A44ro a to tr -or Deary to- or TUX SOKTKF AT WlARrfJt "-un Cunrtte at uf (awma tnj (-o oaiaruma iSE- of Be-tion trn opoo tot folloaum Urmi and AoftdlUr ahp Tmenty fur '3fn Kortn Pana noff Norma Lea Haea a emc CASH Fourteen art tht eon a'Lr bo In arttm and mae that yrai and earli id ym mat anaer ''ryU1 db Ut I'Plb lllV 1 Irf at tot law oTfica at Jamt Uuh- ute pruton filed herein bi Ur tnait: nd Un IOU Lat Prank PblUpa aruea on or before Uie Sth day td June lMt aottled to a Oklahoma or may ba dal'rered to or may be a at Uit 1S0 iou Jm I aut Hn ary rittit ln (eo WIrFtf0 th tf 300 Engineers CUSTOM and READY-MADE i'A ly rfrown cs increase-nr organic Sessional member from Ponca A7J1I AttPTlfJ matter after Four years of stiaiy City iffAii iAlLLitkA Activities planmd Include tours OTT C'rtrlfprcirir'rx form of research facilities at Phillips years Sjwtkut used in the should he fortified with some of nitrogen Usually aJrout one and Chemical Laboratories and the! NORMVY (Special) Automa- one-half per cent is needed This Bureau of Mines followed by aHc control techniques winch can SURPRISE TOUR A ttu or brtor would be alxrot one-half pound of picnic supper at Osage Hills State'be applied directly to industrial' HELSINKI Finland ITU 'i or at u' lua ammonium nitrate per bushel of Park problems will be studied by near-' Gen Ka A Heikanen F'inlard's uptr rantr ar-i warrutn inmaai- l1 xrB 'r" --j i nnrr a lot tl nuii rm or ad pe'iuon w'l he Uie-i a 00 1 th admmwtraot peroay anwaf aa A Mfitirt ran ap mltur lr 1 1 CtehHY tmmedt- Datl Una TU day rf April and tendered for anU(f (rant RHONE ED 3-0377! sawxlus Unless some form of ni- Matk Barlow midwest dis-iiy'300 engineers and executives at armed forces commander will Jh erun Uf or biirw mut to i vfotr ml pryi fir In ht pftintiffi pU Curt ttu I0ta Say tf April IM I nn I Ob I Lon trogen used sawxfust Tmikhirwitriirt counselor for the fraternity 1 the University of Oklahoma April lend a high ranking nwLUty dde-may result in kwenng the yield 'will be a special guest at the meet- 27 and 28 gatum on a tour of Sonet null- of veReJablcA Do not fail to add in Barlow Ls associated with the The fourth annual conference on tar' installations next month Toe mtrogen when mulch-ng with saw! Wichita University Research Foim- automatic control in the petroleum' announcement which came as Court Clark Jay Orand Carpets Pennington Hills dation uussc 'and cheupcal industries will he in a siiiyirise to diplomatic circk (Fubllahed to th Etamlnr Entrprli April II and 21 ItNh IN THF POUNTY COCRT DF WAJIHiNOrON COUNTY owf ahoma NOTICE TO CREDITORS IK THK MATIH OF 7HK rJH'ATT or Jo Martin tf tti County tf WftiUeOtfUjCW Btftt tf OklftiMiOaft CM AU pMto hat'nf rlftim aiamkf a)d Jo Marlin dcaad ftr rquird to prant ta lam with ta nrm) vouchrt to ta uyjdenlrnfd Oracl Martin Fhivrutri at ta law tffir tf Richard Hftrrta wrrv my hand and tff rial tfftl thj 211 fly tf Apr: 9M firM taa Covrt Clerk k-Aoroft Pkaumff HFAf i the Oklahoma Meinorul Union hill said Uie visit was being nude at rich a no kappm room It Ls sponsored by OU and the invitation of tiro Soviet De- the Oklairoina City sections of the fense Ministry American Institute of Electrical Engineers and Uie Institute of Ka-j Trad' At Hume Save Money! dio Engineers Delegates to the conference will1 hear talks on the theory etjup-l In th Apr'! and 10 IM THE CO WASHINGTON STAIR UK Mftrth Ela Prtar il- Robert Wyn Prilliff NOTlPIv BY Harndon McCrary alao knoan a nr McCrary 1 ynji or if rlilir Him Th BH 0 Oklahoma ba dead tie rnapecttva heir erecu- Prathar Take notice that FiftarKnUrpr1 l-0 IN AND FOR COUNTY AMDV piftlntiff No Defandftnl PUHUrAIION nBiiiauur I hi to Robart VnF rl Uh ih me rv i ton admltutratoM deihe tru re you have be aued i 'o "Yj or aaunu tmmodia' nr remote tJ D' UtHl Ul' 1Uh 1 HIT Frartf Ftl ment and application techniques for Puhllali1 In tho KitmSnar Flntarprlaa 1 1 AprU 21 30 and May 1 ll0r ty Oklahoma by Marta KUln Fr'h-a'efihf that yj hav brae r(a tf duty ftui ttrm twri Uif paintU! nH thal Uiarfor enLtled to ft dltor ninor chl'drm r'Uta Mor( dloliIl taerafor anUted to a diroraa tti minor chr drm a Utonilt 1C control as appll(H) to the MTICF' VuBl irAriON tf daraaaed parMin or paraon oil and chemical Indus' nc Con eot ohoto ferencc cliairman IS Charles rr truUeaa and alffna rtmwt tf Ida Glbaon ftnd Pubuhd Fmtnar rntrpna ir rxit irf A I Yaomui drerasrri 1 Tofren UKh dacftAKl April I and 21 Harp OU associate professor of Vwand ears ol Xe fd Take outue that ou and oUenr a NOTICE BY PCBLTCATIOB elwlrkal enmucring IthRi Y-omm and Gfnrru dtfNnrua lilt been auad Hr nnr Jlhii In ta auin tf 0575 00 court -nir I A 1 or OKLAH A to Carrlr a vimtHiit Plaint iff hav fud tn th Hoop and T-rva Ropp luuJiand and T' mnn A inri prB tM Ix-wrtT ta prrioo aa Cam Dr l-elovd Swcanngun OU Court of Vln 'dutui lounv 1r paixu Dlft rt Tbat you murt anrarr id Ahitot and Huoy Manor 4 vuiR vice president in charge of re-'suie of (A ahnma Uiir Petiuwi In ot WMMKPm Caaitr Sui of (1 a-'" o'-Ttmn 1 ha' taken 1 U'" Oe- a a a nan fttfainsf th irs rif- tiomi In No 17H4J and Uut un PLUffi va aa 1 (rasd ta heir aipcatora adninutra search and development Will we! IM on or bHor ta Sh day tf Jun tor dvlfa tntitar and tf come the conference dllcga'es to tee and Iiiiu immedate and -e- ls an-wer the Petr of th' lr rtrrianU mote A Yeofran Ieri aed a planttfl In taid caaa aa'd Pet tlon U1 hr Petition I YOU AHE IlfRILBY NOTll'IEIi Ira' the university JJ YY de ded be taken a rue end jhLtre er- 4'hyOU hav been ued th DU-d Other siroukers on tlie progiam -d a-nt Iaeaead at the lo nain ed find -r aid decreem OJ OI Apni lo ob ielnu" WanmifUm Cwmt Okin a Mondjy April 27 hre ft i rJi infill Nine median Ijranai arol predei mori In LSairt Citrk of Union Chemicals Jer- a eov wi' rT 1 C1 imhHn ry Irowen of Bell Telephone Com- or Dany Max Nigh of Service Pipe teal property and the a ne peateane hoatila and untlupuied poeiev ALne txrewoo therrof ll-it the He- uon under i or of tlr of iPnblahed In Uia Kiam'ner Enterprta Line ompany rranK I rowler rpn Ur I atan heiri eum ownerah'p of Uie folowin described Apr and 33 1S of Research Engineers Inc C-har- lot alntmtraur detlee tm tee re' POM'-nt "fJia'ert tn in THf rotmTT poi RT IV AND FOR aivl a 1 and remote of County Oklalmma to it lot 1 3 and WAiHI UIMN culJVlV les 1' OllStlPC and It HdncX Yeoman Detearved fralm onie I Blor Ink of tne fda BriTi twr fiVTiiinMA Grau Marttr 1 lerutrlt I7IJ4 by Opa 7 nfua and to hr rt ui ti that ah la ta fwrr and in jx oti tf ut nf dtcrthf rftl atv in Mhlndtox Ctftaty Oklahoma ti Th Nouh ao tf ixA Threa'a i and wt Hf -vt'ji of rhr Nortliaat Quartrr Phi of ta Rn(ta-writ yuan' SWi4 tf Artun ln 1 19 Towruhi Twrniy-filn t3wi Nsrta Kanjt fmirrrn 11i kauit and that th plautiff ajid her prdcw- cgs5 and fn Th Mattrr tf In tL nf CfTlt L'ikPk PlW Lmo in hi nr intnet tn or to F'd Artdittnti to IrWf Ok ahomi Ol vin Jl id tlMS I lK bint umjdnjr nrv to whlrL fon hav furtarr juiWnirnt of Co 1 7 1 No and fiFflitOE WASHINGTON HAtt Drta 1 Lit hav bn tn entitrd Lh tfn onUnuou and advra po ESfATI U'r'n I NlliI'TE OF BA OF BEAT mtre Uian fifteen Blnckburn of Phillips Pe- UUl pumm mie trolcum Company filKl Junes UI la htn no Jwlirial dtfnntratloo Ul proporuoo arh Vxk or wa nti I 1 tf hird7 id Ui aftid A VwiMs'i tke a th hlrv at law of I PoLston of StandKird Oil Company tjat divLcrmlniug th purson or praaiii anil prat It that P'alnt ft lorrrnce alio ed nte ale No'lc la hereby r-vn Uia yara pur have Judgment aalnt Uie dtfcrttaua arjr 31 19jA and tf Ida bvon who Af gf OfJr of me Coint (Indiana' rourt i lltion 10 or btfor May 11 iftft Uken true and a art and each tf Uim Juiitc ai drtamnrif fled Intaatat in ta jear $Ui tf county tf Watantton Sia and taat you nnut anawer laid or Uia to arc covy-In same and are ynd nd Scheduled to SpOalk Tuesday Mmn wml indivuljal blent of Ann 2fl nrR FanmrC of Cun- rrh ftnd aj th pervoia who ttaik or ed inter tn ta anov (ifM(it)ul matter tf tti Eatat Pfocemi re afr 4 3rki a- eF ta tnke raid ri a prope pertr and ther havia been J'j11' (ior(re Aeihl Hall d-r tae j1 underlined aa the admiaatratri tf ta merit rendered aa rut rj derreeug ftld Ui ta procerdlngr re at'ri ftld tat dd and county deed Me ln ANB tor of Magnolia Petroleum Com- ln ar'r iUnr a i aald deceased and applUab ta di pany Geoffrey Post af (enss or- mbquw tf aui ne of Un deata of appllt ah to tae dia rl proj'rrty ami Uf tf anrrawn tf Uie State nf Ok a- ut a Wj gf4j pn horn a or ta property! part ta t(! ta hl b'ddar for rata fcnd tor hnr to or rruitod to 'r i aa 1 I'L 1 ury rarh took anti iiruntf to- plaintiff' Ur to and rtuU or (r 4Ul My 1 J3V ol al tf aald real and forever Court oo or aftr prop noration Jones and Allen or prt 1 i or were emitted lo take Koeppell of Standard Oil Company a Ymn deceased torrrtrf an heir tf poealon that the un barring you and a and a of you 0- at 0 00 oca AM yiie CKfu tit id mt-r and Oklahoma In ut at Ran- a i AM her tlti 1 vald and nertect and toat naa you ft anvrght4 to aiid Oaorgf Wah Dgtoo Ha'I da tel 'n or 10 aJ reaped at Uie litre tf I de And ceased at ta litre tf hi dc rq FISCAL CORRUPDON AMONG CERTAIN UNION LEADERS CAN BE CORRECTED SWIFTLY AND EFFECTIVELY BY A FEW SCRATCHES OF THE LEGISLATIVE PEN a rth and Inlarat Urt br K-lto by ot lata nd a nd urUlr or otherwise acqu red in ftnd tt a I tf POWER MOWERS Rh I I Co4rt Clerk DEPENDABLE INSURANCE Since 1906 lUCAt harle Selby Attorney for Plaintiff HOW: By enactment of a law requiring the bonding of all persons handling union funds Hearing Aid Quality Complete Selection of Eclipse and Toro Models 'he real Ifoii lyifg brink in he inly tf WMhlngton Rial tf Okla hiitna debcrht'l ac follow and iipa tae following term and cundtUon ta trt Twenty wo TH la BU On 1I1 tf fcf a rl Addlton ta CUy tf Rartleiflli Oklwliom Iot Iwer'ythf 'J' ta One il of MrUa eo AtattHon to ta City of HArtietv Ok Rliuim TaoI On Bosk Two 3) tf Mr C'alb Addition to the Cy tf Bar tie 'lie Ok1 ahotua KK CASH Hid tru it lo yrHiing and tray left at ta tfftc of Rirhftrd Harm lnt ifldUiir 107 I Trank Fhi Bwrttenf ULe Oklahoma or ma? be d- JfOT 88 Write your Congressman and Senators today Ask them to support Senate BiU 1 211 and House Bill 4173 calling for the bonding of aU union persons handling union funds 68 (Published ln ta Examiner BJnterpru AprU 0 8 and 2J 19W NOTICE OF MALE OF JUMY HROPKKIY On John Hlckam having made bid if 00 on lot 3 ln 8ron Towophip Voch Rsrige 13 Taut tn AathhgUfi Cuunu Oklahoma naiq iw being Ui ptofxpriy of Watfitagtoa County Oklahoma I ft 7rftiurer tf said County sha1 at lb oiltxk AM on Mav 1 15 up Now Modali 10-doy moitoy bock guarantee One yeer warranty 5-yoor lenrice plan FREI DEMONSTRATION QUINN Mgr Tom Wooror Mory Lonrtati ViriaB Mikolt Mary Lou Lannou UNDIRWRITIRS THE HATIOHAl lABOR-flAIIAGEflEIIT FOUNDATION 101 Ontario Srt 1 706 1 Str CHICAGO II IlIINOfS WASHINGTON 6 Easy Payment Plan We Give Sfampi MALTBY BROS 301 Johnstone NUTTER Ubltt VO to appoyal Jl'toii' HthdaT or'an-ll 1Vt Board ot Ommty (YmwnJlnnrri uto pi m-lhhr hid rrcrlvrd al urh aub a a to to to a offu o( County lrasufep for Washington Com 321 Johnitona PUne FE 6-4100 PRESCRIPTION PH RMACY 311 South Johnitona Phone FE 8-6450 ibi-hed In th Bsrt1lK Eiam-Fnernrf AprU 10h CUURT fNHJM IN AND FOR WAaniNOTON oooimr It Oklahoma MARVTM DrUlHORAM Treasurer tf WwihUiguve oq- Otkihoma I.

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Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise from Bartlesville, Oklahoma (2024)


Who owns Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How do I contact Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise? ›

For circulation, call 918-335-8264 or 1-888-598-3207 for the Circulation Call Center. Or email For legal notices, call 844-678-3462 or email To reach editorial, email

Does Bartlesville, Oklahoma have a newspaper? ›

The Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise is a daily newspaper in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Who is the director of Bartlesville Library? ›

Kiley Roberson has been named director of the Bartlesville Public Library and Bartlesville Area History Museum following the retirement of current Director Shellie McGill later this month. Roberson is set to begin her tenure with the City of Bartlesville on July 22.

When did the Herald Examiner go out of business? ›

On November 2, 1989, the paper printed its last edition, with a banner head saying "SO LONG, L.A.!" One factor behind the shutdown was increased pressure from the competing Los Angeles Times, whose circulation was, at the time of the Herald Examiner's shutdown, about four times larger.

How do I find an external examiner? ›

A PhD student cannot directly select an external examiner. However, you can suggest examiners to the academic unit. As you have been involved in the study for years, you know the intricacies of the research and who would be suitable for judging the same.

How do I contact Enterprise News Brockton? ›


The Enterprise's editorial office is at 1324 Belmont St., Brockton. The main telephone number is 508-586-6200.

How do I contact the Secretary of State in CT? ›

Office of the Secretary of State
  1. 30 Trinity Street P.O. Box 150470 (06115-0470) Hartford CT 06106.
  2. (860) 509-6200.
  3. (860) 509-6209.
  4. Send Email.
  5. Visit Website.

What is the largest daily newspaper in Oklahoma? ›

The Oklahoman is the largest daily newspaper in Oklahoma, United States, and is the only regional daily that covers the Greater Oklahoma City area.

How much is the oklahoman newspaper? ›

OKCityCard Discount: Purchase a Sunday-Friday subscription of The Oklahoman for $4 per week ($17.33/mos.) or Sunday only subscription for $2 per week ($8.67/ mos.) Offer valid for NEW customers only. Additional discounted subscription offers are available.

How do I find a specific newspaper? ›

Use the Directory of U.S. Newspapers in American Libraries to find out what newspapers were published in a specific place and time period. Select the location and time frame, which will retrieve a list of titles and publication information for each title.

Who is the Washington Examiner owned by? ›

The Washington Examiner is an American conservative news outlet based in Washington, D.C., that consists principally of a website and a weekly printed magazine. It is owned by Philip Anschutz through MediaDC, a subsidiary of Clarity Media Group.

Who owns the journal Gazette Fort Wayne? ›

Fort Wayne Newspapers is the business agent for The Journal Gazette, which is locally owned and independently operated, and for and Fort Wayne Magazine. That website and the magazine are jointly owned by The Journal Gazette and Ogden Newspapers Inc., based in Wheeling, West Virginia.


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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.