FarmVille 3. On The Farm. (2024)

Erica Martins Chancing a glance at the returned compliment Erica gave him a warm grin, stirring the bowl full to help cool it further. "they are? just ordinary brown eyes to me..." she chuckles bash fully nodding, "yes I disagree with April there, yous are the bluest of blue." she finally nods to the table, herself completely unaware of the little giggles from her sister. "shall we?" polite indication they should join the kids and have their lunch.

This time she made no effort to hide or distract her blush at all, watching him waiting for him to lead the way back to the table the big bowl in her hands.

Elena had been watching the entire time, and she did not understand a lot of it but she could have sworn her sister and hero turtle were making what was known among kids as 'googly' eyes at each other.


Leo smiled warmly at Erica, shaking his head. "Not to me," he countered, referring to her eyes not being just an ordinary brown. The giggle reached his ears too so he nodded to Erica, also thinking they should join the others at the table. But first, Leo had another job to do. He poured some tea for Erica, and Elena then got the turtle tots beverages in mixed in cups then started taking them to the table and distributing them among the woman and kids.

Next, he helped dish up food for a couple of the kids and placed their plates in front of them. He smiled at Erica as she did the same and then took her seat. He realized there was only one chair available before Erica sat down and he was fine with it. He could go sit in the living room and still hear everything going on. Then, after the children had their meals and drinks, Leo helped himself to some eggs and poured himself a cup of tea before making his way to his seat in the next room.

Erica Martins

Leo's help made distributing food to hungry little ones easier and Erica thanked him for the drinks wondering at his counter to her words.

mmm she liked that - really did, to think her eyes where not just ordinary boring brown.

Seeing him heading to the lounge she stops him with a hand on his below. "Stay... take the seat... I am sure ... Crimson wont mind sharing with me?" She had taken a moment to ask the tot in question.

He blinks and shrugs a little half a mouthful of egg in his gob.

"Come on sit with us." She chuckles encouragingly motioning towards the seat with her hips as her hands were full as she places her plate and up beside Crimsons and then scoops him up and sits with him on her knee.

He churrs a tiny churr happy with this seating arrangement and resumes eating.

The little ones shooting curious happy looks at Leo between mouthfuls.


Leo was perfectly content just sitting in the next room, but Erica apparently had other ideas. He felt a hand on his arm and it stopped him in his tracks. First he looked at the hand that stopped him and then up at the owner of that hand and smiled, chuckling lightly. "Alright, alright, I'm coming." Then he made his way back to the table, taking the vacant seat and smiled at the tot in Erica's lap. Crimson definitely seemed to be fine with this new seating arrangement. "Thank you," he said to both Erica and the tot on her lap then he started eating.

Erica Martins

Gold, next to Leo beamed and his little feet kicked happily, "You likes emmms?" he asks through a mouthful of his own his golden skin and shell glittering here and there from the natural light spilling in the kitchen through the window.

Elena giggles swallowing her eggs. "Eggs Gold eggs." She corrects.

"Dats wat I says." he responds confused.

Violet sniffs, "No you said emmms." he and Cyan perhaps had a better handle on using a fork than Crimson and Gold both of whom preferred to used their hands.

Erica chuckles and smiles hugging the little tot to her body and to keep him balanced on her knee as she ate hers more slowly - deliberately slower no matter how hungry she was encase the little ones finished and wanted more... she could then share what was left on her plate with them. "April never did tell us a lot about what went on with her new friends... but I know she was among that alien mess... a lot of people don't recall being... being ... changed.... I do..." Erica says to Leo, "April did mention we should be thanking yous cause... yous saved us - uh Thank you." A warm warm smile at him.


Leo found the little 'discussion' between Gold and Elena pretty cute. He smiled at the small turtle and nodded. "Yes, they are very good." He didn't want the two fighting any longer, so he decided to answer the question then move on. Then Erica was telling him about her experience in the Kraang invasion and frowned. "You were in that mess?" Leo had no idea. He was glad that the city was back to normal, but he had to give credit where it was due. "Thanks, Erica, but it wasn't just us that saved you. We had some great allies, too. The Mighty Mutanimals." He figured if Erica already knew about mutants, those four individuals should get proper recognition, too.

Erica Martins

"Yeah... We were... Elena... came away from the change with ... a ... gift?" Erica hesitated over the word unsure if it was the correct one for that but it worked she guess and smiled at Leo. "The MightyMutanimals?..." She tried the word out and her eyes widened a little offering more of her food to Cyan as he was finish. "There are more.... mutants?" She asks curiously watching Leo, lightly shifting her knee and the tot when he too had some more off her plate

Elena beams over at Mr. Turtle a little... then to her sister in the same tone she'd just used on Gold, "I told you Mr. Turtle and his family saved us... did not know his friends too." She muses.


Leo nodded. Yes. There are even more mutants out there, but this particular group has four members: Dr. Rockwell, Pigeon Pete, Leatherhead, and their leader, Slash. "Each member has his own strength and role in the team." Leo didn't really want to get into the whole Slash thing again. He still had some issues with that particular mutant, but Slash had proven to be an effective leader, for sure.

Erica Martins

Erica nodded and smiled, "Well, I'd hope one day to get a chance to thank them personally. It was... not a great experience." She shivers a little, she had been a mutant herself for a while, a mutant or alien... slave? digging... mining something - and yet had also been herself trapped in a body she could not control. "And thank you again - death would have been a more welcomed out come than that life." She murmurs softly distributing the last of her eggs among the little plates. They were hungry, they needed the food, they were growing.


Leo got up and did the same. He gave what was left on his plate and shared it with the youngsters. "Yeah." He felt bad Erica had to deal with that experience. Leo and his brothers were angered by how the Kraang were treating their new 'people'. It was no life at all. "I'll see what I can do about getting them to meet you. Uh...where are you from, exactly?" He figured New York City, because that's where the alien invasion was centered around, but Leo wouldn't be surprised if it spread from there.

Erica Martins

Erica noted he shared like she did and felt a surge of warmth, "it's okay... Elena did get a.. gift from the experience.. So there's that." She sipped her tea finally, smiling at the warm flavor.


Leo stopped and looked at Erica in curiosity. "She did? Like what?" He glanced at the small girl, wondering what this 'gift' was. He took his seat again and held his warm cup of tea in his hands.

Erica Martins

Elena glances at Erica and receiving a nod reaches her fingers to Cyan - he had a faint scratch under an eye from playing earlier, it was not usually something she'd heal but... She presses her slightly glowing green fingers there and closes her eyes absorbing the scratch.

Cyan himself grew still in a slight trance of his own.

Watching them Erica's eyes flick to Leo to catch his reaction, though admittedly she looked elsewhere almost never... She wondered if he noticed?


Leo watched, his blue eyes wide in shock. It wasn't something he was expecting. She healed someone. That little girl healed someone. Leo was definitely intrigued by this new ability. And the Kraang were the ones responsible. "That was...amazing."

Elena's eyes opened and she smiled at Leo. "Cool huh? - like ET!"

Cyan came out of his trance- touched his cheek and resumed eating.

"It is amazing..." Erica agrees smiling, "we... that is GranGran and I do not know the full range of the ability - cause we are reluctant to let her do it... more serious injuries make her sick."


Leo nodded slowly. "I'm sorry to hear that." Hopefully someday they would find out just what she could do without the consequences. "It's still a really wonderful gift, Elena." He smiled warmly at the small girl before taking a sip of his tea. "How are you liking the tea?"

Elena beams, "I healed sissy once - a she punched a boy at school so hard his jaw and her fist were brokered! I fixed it - took it back - was sick for days..." She pouts and drinks. "Mmmmm - don't forget to hold out your pinkie mr Turtle!"

Gold finishing was trying to sneak Crimsons, Crimson growled, Cyan offered a hiss of his own and Crimson grunted sharing his last bit with his golden brother.

"It's delicious." Erica complimenting blushing as Elena told Leo of the incident. "if you's are finished remember to take up your plates and wash hands" she tells the children kindly.


At first, Leo didn't know what Elena meant with holding out his 'pinkie'. "Huh? Oh!" Then he held out his third finger which wasn't necessarily his pinkie, but close enough. Then he took another sip. "Thank you." He smiled at the compliment.

Elena giggles and then gulps her tea enthusiastically - the tots were finished and scrambling to do as Erica asked she did not want to miss out on whatever game they had!

Smiling Erica stood still sipping to pull a chair over to sink for kids to wash hands. "She is fussy about tea etiquette," she winks at Leo her own pinkie sticking up.


Leo chuckled and nodded. "Yes, I remember now." He smiled at the small girl then at Erica, getting up from the table and finished his tea.

Soon a horde of happy children where taking the pencils and paper left by Mikko and heading onto the veranda to color in the sun. Erica hung back grinning at Leo finishing her tea and beginning the lunch mess glen up. "I.. Don't know just how much of a positive you have been to my sister, she is more out going." She says to Leo gathering the dishes to be washed.


"Really?" Leo beamed at the praise. "I'm glad I could help her." Even though he had no idea of the scale he influenced with Elena. Leo got up and took his own cup to the sink, rinsing it out. "I...guess I or my family anyway, have had a bigger impact on you than I thought." He smiled warmly at her. "You're welcome."

Erica Martins

Erica blushed. "You's have... You have - gave a shy special lol girl confidence she didn't have before she met Mr. Turtle." And she holds out a tea towel for him to take for the washed dishes. "It's just I Elena and GranGran... Or it was... I don't know what happened to GranGran, I did hear our home was burnt down."


Leo frowned at that. "I'm sorry." Then he took the towel from her and put it over his shoulder until he was ready for it. "How long have you been staying here," he wondered out loud.

"Not a day after I got here." And Erica's voice was scared, and miserable as she had no idea where her grandmother was, or even if alive, and was for all intents a mum of five under five. "A couple of weeks." She answers handing him the first soapy plate.


Leo took the plate and rinsed off the soapy residue before drying it with the towel and placing it in the cupboard. Leo felt bad for her. He wished there was something he could do to help. The only thing he could think of right now was laying a gentle hand on her shoulder, giving her a saddened smile. "It will be okay. Maybe she's still out there...somewhere."

Erica's eyes raised from the sink and were a little damp - to her own dismay - but she was just buckling a little from hiding her worries and fears from the children and having had no one to confide in before Mikko turned up and now Leo. "I... Want to believe it... She is a tough old gal... But -" she lets it hang nodding her head to where the tots left. "I don't know what she took them from... Or whom..." She admits looking at those blue eyes needing assurance, and to finally share her burdens as it were.

Leo felt honored that she could confide in him like this. He also felt saddened that she had no one else to talk to. "You can talk to me about anything, okay?" One thing was for certain, he didn't want to see her in pain. And talking things out usually least to some degree. What Leo did next was a really bold move, but he felt like it was a necessary one. He pulled her in for a hug. There was no other attachment than trying to comfort a friend, though.

That did it! Erica had be trying to reign it all back lit, whom was she to allow weakness to have her ?! There was a lunch mess to clean and kids to supervise, maybe teach them more songs to improve their language, read to them ... But the hug... And her arms slipped back around him in turn fighting sniffles. "I'm sorry, I should not be... Be so weak." she apologizes shivering.. Fighting the needed release of fear and worry.

Having her openly cry on him wasn't something Leo expected, but it seemed like she had been remaining strong and it could only last for so long. Leo had been there himself. He knew he had to let go eventually. Now it was someone else's turn. Leo's harms tightened protectively around the girl and he just held her as she cried out all of her frustrations and worries. He didn't say anything this time. He didn't feel like words were needed. Actions spoke louder than words ever could.

Erica lost track of time, she did not know how long she stood... Or more of shook as he stood for both of them, and wept. It was hard not knowing if she could grieve, and hard being responsible for so many little lives. But finally the pain eased and she was able to draw a breath that shook, hiccuping a little still. "thank you." a mere whisper to his ear hole a press of lips...

Leo stood there until her tears were spent and she felt much better. When that time finally came, he smiled softly at her, nodding. "No problem." Then he reached out and brushed a tear away from her cheek with his finger. He hoped she felt better now.

Erica did not want him to draw away, feeling like she'd just peeled off layers of skin and was raw, vulnerable... Exposed. But she allowed it and smiled not caring about her cheecks or the wet of her eyelashes - pulling the hem of her shirt up enough to rub his shoulder. "sorry... Didn't mean to snot on you." she makes a lame joke of it, but at least indeed she felt a little... Calmer... and better for it all.

Leo chuckled softly. "Don't worry about it." Actually, he hadn't even noticed that. His eyes were locked on the beauty in front of him. He wanted to take all her fears and worries away, after all. So that was his main focus.

Erica wondered what he saw right then? Looking at her as he was, as she was him. "didn't realize how... much it hurt to be scared I guess..." she was sheepish but also at peace for the moment eyes locked on his. "I'd not change it though, when I asked earlier if you had come for the little boys... I was scared I'd have to say goodbye to them." she admits.

Leo smiled softly. "Seeing the way you handle those little boys, if I was coming for them, I probably would let them stay with you. I know how much you care about them. You're a great mother to them." His smile warmed even more but his blush was back. Okay, maybe he was thinking something else to do with children at that moment. Like perhaps...maybe he and she could--wait a minute! What was he doing?? 'Impure thoughts, Leo, impure thoughts!' Master Splinter would not want this solo mission to turn into one that made him lose that one part of himself that he was much too young to give up yet.

Erica blushes shuffling her feet. "not how I pictured becoming a mother... but.. I have been since Elena's birth... and .. Can't imagine a time the little guys were not there." she grins, "thank you, I'd not have been able to part with them.. Not yet." wondered what went through his mind reaching a hand to brush fingers over his cheek like had done earlier. "I have noted you yourself are very good with them."

Leo blushed even more at the small touch. "Oh, heh...being the oldest of three siblings definitely has been a learning experience for me." His eyes met hers again. "Even if those siblings don't always listen to you." He sighed heavily. Yeah, being a leader sucked at times.

Erica lets her fingers open palm gently cupping. "no they don't, its much like.. Motherhood... Fatherhood I guess... But it's worth it too yes?" she smiles, "bet like that little blue fellow your one day lil ones will have the blue eyes..."

Leo smiled at that. "Maybe." Leo was still blushing. He just couldn't stop in front of Erica. It's not that he felt uncomfortable - quite the opposite, really. He just...wanted to be close to her. To help her through her struggles and the small touches they did also felt really nice.

Erica's grin grew, and she lightly fingers the blue cloth. "what... Does this symbolize something?" not moving, content to continue the contact.

Five little sets of eyes peeked around the door.

Leo closed his eyes ans she fingered his mask. "Our father picked out the colors. But blue has always been my favorite, anyway." Then he opened his gorgeous blue eyes before continuing. "It means strong and determined, loyal...calming."

Erica smiles realizing that whilst she had drawn her arms back she was still close to him. "it definitely suits you... And makes yours eyes stand out more." and this time she did not blush, her smile warm eyes taking in the way he even seemed to enjoy her touch to his bandana... Of the skin just slightly under the edges of it.

Leo smiles even more. "You wouldn't-um...want to try it on, would you?" he offered, reaching behind his head to slip it off and held it out to her.

"Oh?!" this surprised Erica and she hesitated, taking in his face without the strip of blue her hands reaching, pausing... "alright," she nods and slips it from his hand then blushing a little now slid the cloth over her eyes which at first closed as she ties it in place for a moment taking in the scent that came from it, unlike for him it was not a scent ladened with information she consciously would register, but she did note the incense smell, lingering hint of sweat and leather... And that smell all men had. She opens her yes and chuckles, "whadda you think?" mock poses.

Leo chuckled. "You look beautiful. It's really you." Then, without thinking, he leaned forward and smooched her cheek. But as soon as he realized it he pulled away, apologizing to her profusely. "I...don't know what came over me." He rubbed the back of his neck and blushed even more. "Sorry."

Erica chuckled, "the blue? -" she was about to question if it was the blue color of the fact it was his blue cloth that made him say so, in a small amount of daring nerve of her own... Which grew... She shakes her head and this time kisses him herself, just a chaste brush of her lips over his. "thank you"

Leo's blue eyes widened again as her lips brushed over his. He felt an immediate reaction to that area. A tingly feeling. And it felt great. Leo blushed even more as he realized how close that was to an actual kiss. He couldn't even form words at the moment. " problem."

And again, just a touch as she drew back. Her own heart racing... Boldness right there! Eyes locking on his, bright and wide grin equally as so she this time welcomes the flood of blush to her cheeks, the color stark against her pale skin. "that was thrilling..." another honest admission...

Violet and Gold cover Elena's mouth as she squeees all five still peeking

Leo's blush nearly matched hers. He wanted to do that again. He smiled and nodded to her. "Yeah. Thrilling..." Leo moved forward and tested the waters a little further, this time initiating a kiss on the lips. Slow and gentle.

She'd never kissed before, not like this, and their mouths were different sizes... But... it was gentle and Erica did not pull away eyes on his again her heart feeling like it might be doing some sort of drum roll in her chest. She reciprocates the initiating. The kiss slooooow... gentle.

Four boys this time covered Elena's mouth and they went down in a soft tangle.

This was Leo's first kiss, too. And he wasn't disappointed at all. In fact, he didn't want it to end. He didn't push it further than that closed-mouth kiss, though. He didn't have the courage to take it past that...yet. Finally, after several moments, the kiss ended and Leo was smiling brightly. "Wow..." he chuckled softly.

Erica knew she was breathless as she grins at him, "wooow..." agreeing nibbling her lip to catch a little lingering flavor. "mmm will have to try that again, when... Five lil kids are not watching" she adds giggling, blushing.

And five little sets of faces that had been peeking poked right around the door looking a mix of guilty and delightfully amused.

Leo chuckled himself, glancing over to where the toddlers and Elena were hiding. He smiled and finally moved away from Erica...reluctantly. Yes, he definitely wanted to do that again.

Turning back to the sink, Erica's shoulders lighter than they had been since this whole mess began and her heart still doing some odd sort of conga line. She smiles at the kids though - then at Leo. She was not angry with them - they were just curious.

Elena giggles - finally she could squeeeeee loudly and looks from her sister to Mr. Turtle girlish delight all over her face, "You dissed!" she teases.

Four little boys where the ones that looked a tad more guilty than she was - though at Elena's giggling and words they snigg*red too wide grins spreading over dere face - save Gold whom looked faintly horrified, "but you dot ooties!"

Leo chuckled again, grinning at the small girl. "Yes, we did. We kissed." Then he smiled at Erica. Then he blinked and looked at Gold, smiling softly. "I do, huh? What makes you think that, hm?"

At this even Cyan and Crimson looked somewhat ... alarmed. Violet rolls his purple eyes the expression out of place on his young face. "Cooties not weal!"

"And enjoyed it -" Erica said quiet happily over the bubbly work she was doing right now casting the larger turtle a grin to his smile amused by the children.

Gold gasps, "Cause dats what you get when you dibs a girl."

Cyan and Crimson glanced between Leo, to Gold and to Violet - unsure whom they should trust here... cooties sounded serious.

Leo exchanged an amused look at Erica before smiling at Violet. "Listen to your brother, Gold. He's right." Then he gave Gold a small wink.

"And lucky for yous - after all the times I've smooched your cheeks goodnight." Erica added fighting laughter, feeling lighter and happier than she had in weeks. For once not worried by the oncoming cold, the meagre food supply... and the fact she let a complete stranger take her car... was confident Mikko would come back. And have some food, some cloths, some toys for them.

Gold looked at Violet whom found himself also at the attention of Cyan and Crimson and Elena - and he blushes shuffling his feet mumbling something to them.

Leo grinned at Gold then at Erica, giving her a wink. He was glad to see her in a good mood. He hoped he helped her through whatever she was going through. It sure seemed like it. He did one more thing as a sign of affection and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I really like this girl and I wanted to show her how much."

Elena felt her toes curl in and she was all but bursting with delight and glee. "Like her? Lithe lithe her?" she asks little wriggling girl of delight.

Four little totts considered this - affection was something they only... before that older human woman had found them, and Erica - had been only among themselves. It was still a new thing for them, though they were enjoying it - it was nice to be cuddled and spoken to and not poked with owies.

Erica felt the hand take hers, her wet bubbly fingers small in his but she wriggles them and intertwines them with his managing despite the fact she hand two more digits to account for. "yes El... like like... as I do him." A squeeze to his hand.

Leo nodded in agreement, very glad she returned the gesture. And to hear those words. Of course, the kissing they did conveyed their feelings perfectly, but to actually hear her say it sent Leo's heart aflutter. To think, this little adventure started a few hours ago and Leo had no idea he would have...this...his first day since his return to the farm. There was no doubt in Leo's mind that he could have this girl if she agreed to it. And why wouldn't she? She accepted him for who and what he was, she was returning his advances and...he couldn't wait to see where this relationship took him.

Elena squuuueeeeed and bounced about her golden curls bouncing in everywhich direction.

And Erica watched with a laugh - her sister was doing a pretty decent imitation of what it felt like her heart was doing. She grins and reaches her free hand to yank the plug from the sink, bugger the dishes left to wash and dry, it was a beautiful day and the two of them could not expect the little ones to be in here watching them test the waters of... this... completely new territory. "Come yous can giggle and dance it out side to your hearts content, Leo and I shall come out and watch so yous can play a bit further than the grass..." Because she was adament when she was inside no further than grass. She smiles at Leo, "We can always come back to... chores..." And sides with kids at play and attention of them - whom knew? She was frankly excited and eager, keen to explore these new feelings.

Leo grinned at Elena. "I take it I passed the test?" It sure seemed like it.

"Yay!" squeaked and squealed four boys all heading back outside - they loved to play outside, before in the white place with the white wearing people there had never been outside! but here there was loads! and they led the way out bumped and bouncing off each other in their eagerness.

Elena giggles and nods those curls, so wild and full and gold now even more so from her excited dancing about. "Of course Mr. Turtle! of Course! you do - never seen sissy smile like dat - never!... well except at me some times and at GranGran... and them." She points after the noisey little horde of totts and yips cashing after them.

Erica giggled. She could not see for herself the way she watched the little ones take off, the way their glee and happiness made her own grin widen or the way her eyes followed the last curl of Elena out. Indeed two frightening weeks of hiding, measuring out every scrap of food she had found and learning the hard way out to light the pilot light to have hot water... all worth it - and even more so now. She squeezes Leo's hand again. "Shall we?" nodding meaning to follow the excited crowd.


Leo just figured he did it in record time. He felt so good right now. So light. He gave Erica's hand another squeeze then leads her outside. "Come on, Elena." He was beaming as he lead both girls outside while watching the tots stumbled over each other. Leo chuckled softly at the scene. "I take it they don't know how to take turns just yet, huh?"

Erica snigg*red - there had been a scrum at the door formed by for toddlers fighting to get out but with a pop and a bounce Gold shot free and this brothers tumbled after him. "Not yet their behaviors... are not that I know of toddlers." She admits fishing the some what flat ball off the top of the power box and giving it to Elena to go kick for the boys.

Elena clumsily kicked the ball - four boys sprinted after it

Leo watched the kids and took a seat on the swing, patting the spot next to him for Erica. "I remember the last time I was here. It...wasn't the greatest time for me, really." Leo shrugged, watching the kids as he slipped his arm around Erica.

"Ooooh?" Erica was surprised, despite everything the farm was a lovely quaint little place. "How so... it seems a place that is... comforting and welcoming." She smiles at him sitting next to him and then nestling, the awkward some what shyness that had been around earlier seemed to have melted entirely. She turns her gaze to his.

Violet and Cyan caught the flat ball between them in their mouths and for a few moments both little totts pulled against each other tug o waring, growling little tails wagging furiously. Cyan wrenched it free of his brother and c=gave it a good shake like a dog might worrying a caught rabbit - before letting go and trying a kick himself, he missed but did not stop him trying again and sending it rolling away.

Leo looked down in his lap, shaking his head. "It wasn't this place. It was the circ*mstances." Then he looked up at her before continuing. "My brothers, April, and our other human friend, Casey all came out here to escape the invasion. We were completely defeated. Our father was missing and I was badly injured from a fight with our greatest enemy. My brothers, April, and Casey brought me here to heal. I was in a coma for three months. They weren't even sure I was going to make it..." Leo closed his eyes.

Erica gaped, she had been aware now thanks April and now meeting him that he and his brothers, those might mutanimals he mentioned and April, Casey - Casey Jones?!, that they had been involved. But she had no idea... Her hands both sought his out and squeezes them. "Leo... I am ... I don't know what to say other than... I am glad you did make it." she says softly.

Elena and the boys kicked and chased and bounced off each other in the mad dash after the ball.

Leo gathered his thoughts, returning her hand squeezes, then opened his eyes again. "I woke up...but I hardly felt like myself anymore. I felt so...lost." He sat up a little straighter. "But I did get better. It was hard and frustrating. It took forever for the pain in my leg to heal. Just when I thought things were getting better, I would do something and re-injure it. After some more time, even that healed. Then we returned to New York to take the city back."

"And take it back yous did. Saved us." Erica nods thumbs caressing his knuckles as she listened glancing at his knees. "Does it still trouble you?" She wonders softly glancing towards the children as there was a squeal - but it was excitement... the chickens where about and the kids where having a ball chasing both them and the ball now.

Leo watched their hands then looked at her in confusion. "Does what still trouble me?"

"Your knee - does it ache sometimes still?" Erica clarifies then catching something she nodded to where the kids where, for him to see behavior that troubled her at times cause she was not sure what to make of it - "watch them." She whispers lightly.

Leo shook his head. "No, I--" then was cut off when she wanted him to see something. He turned and looked to see what she was talking about. "What is it?"

A fat brown chicken had wondered off alone pecking her way merrily along. Cyan had frozen, on all fours focused, locked on her movements, Crimson and Violet also crouched some feet away. Gold though still was creeping towards the chicken. Then she was closer to the gold and blue little turtles and they sprang at her, sending her racing off in a flutter of wings and feathers and mad clucking towards the still waiting Violet and Crimson whom lunged when she was close enough. The chicken only got away cause the little guys where just not fast enough - Crimsons flat small baby teeth snapped close to her wing though and the little tots watch her race away.

Erica hated to cut him off, she really did want to know his knee was not longer a bother to him, but he had to see the little turtles... their attempt to - hunt. There was no other word for it, they had just stalked, chased and tried to abush that chicken.

Leo was a bit disturbed by the scene but was glad they didn't give chase to the chicken anymore. "Uh...I have no idea." None of his brothers acted like that. Then he looked at Erica. "Do they do this often?"

"I'm sorry - I just... needed you to see it - I was sort of hoping it might be a turtle thing - I did not know... is it?" Erica asks her voice still low. "There have been other moments, they actually caught a rat... and... and... well I didn't have to feed them a snack that time..." She admits. Erica had her eyes on his though glancing back to the boys from time to time.

Leo made a face. Since their father was a rat, Leo didn't like the fact that other rats had perished...especially at the hands (jaws) of these little boys. Who seemed to not be nearly as innocent as he first thought. "I see..."

Erica noticed his face. "I'm sorry... did I just wig you out?... I know... its alarming, I don't know whether is from their upbringing... could have been whomever they were with before GranGran took them and sent me away with them... but they have never hurt Elena... in fact seem to count her as one of their own."

Leo looked at her, shaking his head. "No, I'm fine. But it is disturbing." He was glad to hear that Elena seemed to be safe from that sort of play. Leo smiled at that. "That's good."

"I've tried to temper it - making them help with the chickens so they know to care for them.. that we get our eggs from them. And I don't know might be too early to tell but we have not had another small rodent death... but every now and then like that they just... go into a mode and..." She shrugs and smiles a little, "Perhaps all they need is a firmer hand than mine guiding them?" Erica wonders looking at Leo. "You and your brothers.. never... hunted?" she asks he did not seem the type to wish to hunt... like that.

Leo shook his head. "Not like that, for sure." So she was wondering if he could do anything to break this behavior for the tots. Well, Leo wasn't so sure he could do anything. It did make him very concerned for Dr. Cluckingsworth, though. It was her that brought him here after all. He really had to at least try. "I guess I could give it a shot."

"I don't want them to be dangerous to others..." Erica smiles, "They are otherwise very sweet little boys." And it was clear she was more than attached to them, bonded, her eyes said it as she looks over to count the five where still in eye sight, her voice said it, her hands as she squeezed Leo's again. "Thank you - perhaps you are what they need, a role model... a - fa uh firmer personality." She'd almost said father figure - but derailed it - poor guy did not need to feel pressured after all.

Leo already knew what she was going to say and blushed. A father figure...him? He felt he was too young for that, but being a good role model was something he could certainly do. Who knows? Maybe he could get through to them. He had to keep his brothers in line, after all. How much harder could it be to do four toddlers. Well, honestly, Leo thought it would be much more difficult than his own family, but he felt up to the challenge. He smiled at Erica. "I'll do it."

Blushing and nodding Erica leaned forward - just a light chaste thrilling touch of a kiss. "Thank you -" She did not know any more than he if it would work, or help or whether the tots would respond to it any better then her attempts to temper this... predatory streak they had - but she was glad to hear Leo was at least willing to try. And he definitely had a calming personality so possibly it would.

Leo was shocked by the second kiss. In his mind he panicked for a brief moment before returning it, cupping her cheek with his hand. When the kiss ended, Leo was blushing again. "You're welcome," he told her, smiling. Then he again took notice of the mask still covering those beautiful chocolate-brown eyes of her. "That blue really does suit you."

"That blue?" ... maybe a soft low tease as she nuzzles the cupping hand heart racing a new in her chest. "Your blue?" a very lip nip cheeks flushed at her own daring to ... was it flirting? she'd never really flirted before... but it felt like flirting.

Leo nodded. "Yeah. My blue. And now yours, too." Yes, Leo was flirting as well. But he was also right. That shade of blue was perfect for her.

A chuckle and she nods, "I do wear a lot of blue... and green." She was currently doing so now in the form of a soft summer dress and flats. "Will have to add more of... our blue." she smiles.

Gold had scraped his knee - but he did not wail immediately he held the bloody knee and hobbles over to Leo and Erica - for all the world as if hobbling with a broken leg great golden eyes filled with tears, lower lips stuck alllll the way out and wobbling.

Leo smiled at Erica then glanced over to the little turtle coming over to them. Leo leaned forward and offered his arms out to the little guy. "Come here, Gold. Let's see."

Gold with all the overdramatics of a tot eagerly fell into tLeo's hands hands grasps around his knee which had a trickle of blood tracking down his leg "I feelt!" He mispronounces with a wail.

Watching Leo and Gold Erica felt about in her bras - hoping this would not be seen as weird as she slips free bandaids she had began carrying about on her person at all times. "Here... its okay..." She looks for a tissue of hanky next to wipe the sore.

Leo lifted the tot up and put him in his lap, glancing at Erica to see where she got the band aid. He didn't find it too weird because one of the mottos in his family was 'to be prepared for anything.' Apparently Erica also followed that rule. Leo couldn't help but be slightly amused by the theatrics being expressed by Gold, though. His little brother liked to pull the same trick -- even with the smallest of 'injuries'. "You'll be fine in a minute, okay?" He glanced at Erica. "I should probably take him inside to clean his injury."

Erica nods and brushes fingers to his snout - then Golds. "You'll do great with it." And her tone meant not only the sore, but also the totts.

Gold snugs wailing his brothers watching, chirping worriedly

Leo smiled and nodded, getting up and carrying the wailing tot into the house. Yep, just like Mikey... If Leo could have rolled his eyes at that moment he would.

Gold settled with a chirp in answer to his brothers and sniffles snugging into the bigger turtle with a little chuff of a grunt.

Leo glanced down at the little bundle in his arms, speaking softly to him, "It's all right. You'll be back to playing in no time." Then he headed inside the the little turtle and took him to the bathroom and sat him down on the closed toilet seat while he gathered what he needed to clean and bandage his scrape.

Gold nodded watching Leo. "Scienbibs no tell us there more us..." He says his tears forgotten little gold hands still clutching his knee.

Leo returns a short time later with some ointment, bandages, and a wet cloth. "They wouldn't, Gold. Most people don't even know we're here." Carefully, Leo wiped at the wound with the cloth after prying Gold's hands away from the area.

Gold smiles watching. "Why not? Lots of scones know us!" He wonders little toes wriggling.

Leo smiled softly at the tot. "Yeah." He really didn't know how to explain this one to a three-year-old. The truth was that it was dangerous for too many people to know of their existence. Now with the wound cleaned, Leo dried it and applied the bandage. "There. Good as new."

Gold smiles and beams testing the knee and squiring when it worked just fine - he offers a hug arms up wide "fanka!"

Leo moved down to one knee in front of Gold gave him a gentle hug. "You're welcome." Then he let go and smiled at him. "All better, huh?"

Gold nods beaming, "you a boy?" He asks

Leo was a little taken back by that question but nods. "Yeah. I'm a boy. Just like you."

"Oooh - but you green" the squeaks excitedly and yep flashes Leo. "I gold!"

Leo blinked when the little turtle in front of him displayed his...boy part to him. "Oh, uh...yeah." At this point, he wasn't sure if Gold was going to use the bathroom or not. Just in case, Leo stood up and helped him off the toilet seat and lifted the lid. "If you have to go, let me know."

Gold reps and grins and pees splashing the seat and floor "is you green deer like me gold?"

Leo quickly moved out of the line of fire and sighed heavily after seeing the mess the little turtle was making. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Not to mention the embarrassing questions Leo was being asked by the curious tot. "Yeah..."

Done Gold remembers to flush - and then almost falls in watching the water!

Leo's eyes widen and pulls the tot back. "Careful!" Now with the tot back on the ground, Leo noted how dirty they both were from the poor aim of the little turtle. Leo made a face. "Well, I guess we both need to get cleaned up now."

Clapping Gold catches Leo's face and looks nervous. "You mad math me?" Almost a whisper curling up a little worried, when scientist mad it meant a nasty shock! But... Perhaps like Ee it would not?

Leo gave the small turtle a smile. "No, not mad. But...just warn me next time, okay?" Leo took him over to the tub and filled it with a little water. Just enough to get him clean again and Leo could wash his hands.

"No zzzz!?" Asks Gold splashing a bit - he loved water!

[color:9d7d=##00008B]Leo grinned. It was cute to see how much the little guy loved water. While he could, Leo grabbed the squirming boy and started washing him. Leo noted some damage to Gold -- probably from the hard life he had before this. It made him frown, but he didn't want Gold to see it. Finally getting the boy clean, he let the water out of the tub and grabbed a fluffy towel to wrap the small tot in.

And he was - but that done and happy now he tucks away tail wagging once gone "Ee nice she no zzz us!"... And to Leo from inside the towel. "You no zzz us?"

Leo blinked, shaking his head. "No, I won't do that. I would never do that." He dried the little boy off.

Squeeing and happy now Gold watches Leo playfully growling and nipping at the towel - "we sneak in and watsh Ee go loo sometimes."

Leo blinked again, not sure he heard the tot right. "Huh?"

Gold beams "Ee has no tail!"

Leo blushed brightly at that. He wasn't really expecting THAT to come out of Gold's mouth. "Uh...there wouldn't be. She's not a turtle like us."

"Oh? she ooomans - dey has no tail?" Gold wonders. "But den how boy ooomas go loo?!" Alarmed at the thought that boy humans had no tail

Leo finished drying him off then unwrapped the towel from around him, setting his feet back on the floor. "That's right. Humans don't have tails at all. And boy humans, um...they have the same part we do when we go to the bathroom. Just not inside a tail." Boy, Leo couldn't believe how awkward this conversation got with this little guy.

Gold's eyes went wide - oh boy did he have news for his brothers! - he makes a face. "ooomans no tail..." He mutters with the air of 'that is weird!' wagging his. "Eo?" as another thought occurred to him looking up at Leo

"Hmm?" Leo started folding the towel over to hang it back up. "What is it?"

The little face - he himself was not aware that despite all it's glittery goldeness was exactly the image of the turtle he was clones from - "you put fings on friss... what dem?" meaning the fridge - he like his brothers had of course noted something was placed up out of their reach which made them intensely curious.

Leo looked back at Gold, unsure of what he was talking about. "On what?" Now Leo had the towel hung up. He really needed to get out of that room before anything more embarrassing was asked. He reached down and took Gold's hand. "We're done in here," he told him as they left the bathroom. When Gold was back with his brothers he was going to come back, clean up the mess Gold made and empty his own bladder. All the running water was doing a number on him. He was definitely feeling the effects of that tea.

His little hand held Gold follows along happily. "Friss!" He points to it as they pass the kitchen. "ze friss." As if this were obvious - a loud chirp leaving him as he hears that of his brothers. Like a lion cub calling to his brothers, they answering.

Leo's eyes followed Gold's instruction until he realized what the little turtle was referring to. "Oh, those." He looked down at Gold and smiled. "Those are off-limits to you, your brothers, and Elena."

Gold hops a little and looks up. "Why?"

Erica had began to worry but knew the little turtle was of course safe with Leo - and hearing the chirping she smiles knowing the two were returning. She had made daisy chains and each little tot had a wreath of these flowers about their heads, Elena with hers, Erica had one on and made a further one for Gold and Leo. "Hey... everything go alright?" She wonders smiling at them.

"Because they aren't toys, Gold. You could hurt yourself," Leo explained. Then he smiled when he heard Erica. "We're coming out now." He lead the small boy outside, giving Erica a sheepish grin. "We had a little accident in the bathroom."

"Ooooh... otay!" Gold beams happy with this explaination and once outside he tugged free of Leo keen to join his brothers - though he skidded back after two steps and glomped Leo's right knee. "Fanks!" and manners remembered he bumbles off to bounce eagerly into a pile of brothers whom sniffed his knee and nuzzled him briefly in turn their chirps loud and glad to be together. Elena tried to make the chirps too.

Leo blinked when he saw Gold attached to his leg. He smiled and patted the boy on the head. "You're welcome. Now go play."

"Ohhhh - I'm sorry, their learning to toilet train... guess still got a ways to go." Erica came over and kisses his cheek. "Nicely handled though he looks very happy now -" She glances over him realising some of those wraps were gone... the ones on his fingers. "told you their usually pretty sweet little fellows." She chuckles

Leo chuckled, nodding. "And extremely curious. Uh...he's definitely like a little Michelangelo, that's for sure." He smiled at her from the kiss to his cheek then glanced down at his hands, turning them over. "Yeah. I mentioned he had an accident." This caused Leo to blush even more.

Her fingers brush his over places the wrappings had been. "Michelangelo... the brother with the blue eyes like yours?" She wants to be sure... blushing and clearing her throat. "Yes they are curious - I can't go to the... bathroom for five minutes without little voices asking where I have gone - ... as if I'd been gone for days... and then all pile in to watch." She hangs her head a little but mostly had just accepted it as her lot.

Leo smiled at her, enjoying the caress over his fingers. "Yeah. That's what Gold was saying. Uh...he asks a lot of questions." Then he meets her eyes, nodding. "Yeah, that's brother."

Her eyes flickered up to his and she grins. "Though I find it hard another would have your blue eyes..." She sighs out a shrug. "I recall when Elena was three, they are, and she still is an endless ball of questions - wanting to know." She smiles. "I have been trying to toilet train the little fellows but it's difficult... was easier with Elena." She squeezes his hands. "Should I go clean up the mess?"

Leo blushed even more. "Actually, uh...I have to go do something anyway." Then he smiled. "I'll do it." He pressed a kiss to her cheek, still smiling.

Giggling and her flower wreath on her head a little askew now Erica nuzzles his cheek back. "Okay - thanks... perhaps with a male about they may learn a bit better the toilet training." She did not want to let go, but she did and nods kissing his snout in turn.

Leo smiled again. "Yeah." Although he wasn't really looking forward to giving a demonstration. "I like your headdress," he complimented with a grin.

"Thank you" Erica chuckled and gave a twirl her little sundress skirt spinning out. "We were pretending to be fairies." Cause you know thats what you did when playing kid games. She hows him two other. "Yous and Golds."

Leo looked down at the two made for him and Gold. "Very nice." He grins again then feels a twinge in his tail, making him remember what he should be doing next. "Uh...hold that thought, okay? I'll be right back." Then he hurried back inside, making a beeline for the bathroom.

Chuckling Erica really did try to keep all five children in line and away from seeking out the Leo in this moment. She was used to it by now - bath time was not alone time, and or toileting unless she went when they went to sleep, which she had started doing.

However still a little Red fellow slipped away - and it took him some time to find the loo - and go in almost not noticing big Leo there - until he did and then stopped in his tracks.

Upon entering the bathroom, Leo first went to empty his bladder, making sure he stayed out of the puddle on the floor as he stood in front of the bowl and started going. He let out a sigh of relief as he managed to accomplish that without having an audience. Or so he thought...

Crimson tried to back out without being seen, intensely curious though he sort of stumbled over his feet and rocked back on his shell tail and feet in the air... which meant the door which swung closed when not held lightly bumped into him and shoved him the rest of the way out.

Leo let out a gasp, nearly contributing to the mess already on the floor when the door noise startled him. "Oh, no." He sighed heavily, realizing he wasn't alone after all. "Come on..." he mumbled under his breath as he tried finishing as quickly as possible so he could see who was there.

Rolling to his feet Crimson looked up at Leo and flushed darkly. He was the most stand off ish of his brothers and had yet not made much effort to extend himself like they had. His ruby red hide and shell the color of garnet glinted as he looks at his feet with a mutter that might have been a greeting. The taller and more solid of his brothers his cheeks had darkened to a deep maroon in blush

Finally the stream gradually ceased and Leo washed his hands after making sure he tucked himself away and flushed first. Then it was time to investigate. "Hello." He gave Crimson a small wave in return, not knowing how much he saw but still was wishing he didn't have someone walk in on him. Maybe next time he would lock the door. Slowly he approached Crimson. "Do you need to use this?" he asked, pointing to the toilet. It was best to have another tot use it before he cleaned up the mess.

Shuffling on his feet again the shiest of the tots despite being the biggest looked up finally his eyes bright and red and gave a nod...

"Uh, hang on," Leo told him then put the seat down for Crimson. Luckily Gold had only sprayed the underside of the seat. Then Leo picked him up and sat him on the seat, holding him so he didn't fall. "Okay, go for it."

Blinking and then deciding he enjoyed not fearing the awful feeling of fear that he may get his tail wet Crimson pees, like Gold his face held the curious look, but... unlike his golden brother and like his 'original' he was not going to just burst out with it. Sides he talked funny.

Leo smiled down at Crimson. This turtle definitely seemed to get it better than Gold did. For that he was grateful. He waited until Crimson finished before speaking. "Very good, Crimson. Thank you for letting me know."

Looking up at the praise Crimson actually spoke back. "Gooooth?... me?" pointing to self unsure.

Leo smiled wider, nodding. "Yes, you. Good job." Then he helped Crimson off the toilet and flushed. Then he held him up to wash his hands.

This made Crimson happy and his little plastron puffed outward in pride, washing his hands as he'd been told... clumsily - getting it everywhere.

Looks like Leo had another mess to clean up. At least this time it was only water. He could definitely handle that. He was just glad he took care of his own problem before this one hit. "There you go." After Crimson finished washing his hands, Leo set him down on the floor and handed him a towel to dry his hands on.

Crimson dried his hands... and then was not sure what to do so rubbed his face too - just encase - then made a little one of those barking noises he does among his brothers offering the towel back.

Leo smiled and took the towel back. "Go on and play. I have some cleaning up to do in here."

Nodding Crimson hesitated and blushed... "fank you." almost a half grunt, a talk, his lisp caused him to shy away from forms of speech normally - Then in a rush of little feet he hopped down the stairs two at a time.

"No problem. Have fun." Then Leo glanced out the door, hoping there were no more surprises coming then started mopping up the floor.

Cyan and Violet raced each other up the stairs when that urge hit them... they'd learned to recognize it and knew what to do. "Leo!" brightly chirped the insatiably curious little purple boy heading for the little up side down box next to the toilet he and his brothers were supposed to use to climb on. But Cyan snapped and growled - him first! so Violet backed up and waited watching Leo. "wat you do?"

Pulling the box into place and climbing on Cyan wriggled about into spot first griping the seat - cause it was scary... and takes care of business.

Leo knew by the sound that more were coming. There were four of them, after all. He paused in his cleaning and moved out of the way to give the hopefully less-messy boys room if they needed it. At Violet's question, Leo blushed slightly. "Your brother Gold had an accident earlier," he told him while making sure Cyan didn't need any help.

Violet nods. "mas sissy on flour? I do that too." but not all the time. He waits his turn. "Ee says no waugh at brudders for make sissy."

Finishing Cyan had to think himself through the next step... ah yes - he shakes his little tail and then reaches clumsily for the flush and when it was pulled scrambling off in a rush that suggested as much as he knew what to do and all he did not like the sound of the flush!

"Oh." Much to Leo's dismay. Well, he still had more cleaning to do so...if there were more misses, it couldn't be much worse than it already was. Gold didn't make it inside the bowl much at all and most of it pooled around the toilet on the floor.

Violet now with his leader out of the way took his turn and thankfully remembered to line up properly before going - and not making a mess... though he did lean back curiously to watch - especially the water when it was his turn to flush. He almost wriggled off without shaking - paused and recalled... did the funneh little boy jig and climbed down. "No sissy!" He exclaims to Leo proud of this accomplishment.

Leo grinned. "Yes, good job, Violet." Then he waited for the little boys to clear out before he could finish cleaning.

Violet wanted to stay and talk - Cyan though had other thoughts and he gave Leo a wave, then bumped his brother lightly - and when Violet hesitated he makes a small snarling noise baring his teeth - driving his brother in front of him and out... "Story time!" He added to Leo with a grin following his purple brother out.[/left]

FarmVille 3. On The Farm. (2024)


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.